Wines named Stapel(home =

Whatever Stapel family one descends from, the heart beats faster when thinking of the surprise
to pour an authentic "Domaine Stapel" wine for your friends and family on your next party.

Halfway through France, in the famous wine region north of Macon a village named La Chapelle-Sous-Brancion borders the D215, 12 km west of Autoroute du Soleil, exit 27 (Tournus). Already known in the sixth century, there is a Nôtre Dame church with an Assumption wallpainting and the Château de Nobles, both with XIIth century elements, all surrounded by woods, meadows and lots of vineyards covering here the western slopes. The Naiguerre brook springs there, joining other waters on its way to the Saône river.

Today La Chapelle-Sous-Brancion counts a mere hundred inhabitants (view to the northwest in Google Street View).

Since 1978 the village is also home to Jan Stapel, with his farm to the right on above horizon. Originally an environmental scientist at the Amsterdam University, he acquired the skills of a true vigneron, an enthusiastic winegrower who came to love the region and the traditions to the extent that he joined local politics and gave the familyname to his wines: "Domaine Stapel". Read more in "Vivre! Dutch winegrowers in France" by Ger Bouten, 2010.
He built his knowledge of grapes and wines on the spot and at the Dijon University. Today Jan Stapel is a well-to-do winegrower who can live of his vineyard and wines. Selfconsiously he states that his wines are on par with all friendly Burgundy quality wines and at a price equally friendly.

wijnstreek   Jan en zoon
In Nogent, La Chapelle-Sous-Brancion, Jan Stapel's winery farm borders the D215. Right: a contended Jan with youngest son Hippolyte at the entrance.
Jan grew up in the Dutch Indies, where before the war his grandfather Herman Bernard was a well known personality.

Domaine Stapel wines 2020-2015
"Domaine Stapel" blanc, rouge or crémant could be tasted in his very Dégustation and taken away, indeed against the friendly price of €6 to €8 per bottle, at the time.
Red "Domaine Stapel" could be kept for 5 years; the white up till 3 years.
Address (approx. 2010-2015): Domaine Stapel, M. Jan Stapel, Nogent 71700, La Chapelle-Sous-Brancion.

Ordering from The Nederlands or Belgium was possible at the time by e-mail to Jan used to travel northwards some four times each autumn after the harvest. Against €3 transport fee per box (6 bottles) he would then deliver as far north as Utrecht or Amsterdam, and might have driven longer distances for large orders. If this is still the case today is not known.
