

Amsterdam: Church-books; civil registry starting 1811.

Benelux: Church-books and civil registry for towns and villages.

Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv: online research since 2014.

CBG: Central Bureau for Genealogy, Netherlands documentation centre.

Eindhoven city: Regio Eindhoven Church-books en civil registry starting 1811.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz:  Central archive collections in Berlin.

Geneanet: Worldwide genealogical database with some 1.5 billion genealogical records.

The Hague city: on-line microfiches of original baptismal and marriage certificates starting 1811.

HKG: Historic Circle Gente with art, history, folklore and genealogy of Gendt city and its inhabitants.

Newspapers: Royal Library; newspapers in the Kingdom at large, 17th to 20th century, WW2 included.

LDS familysearch: largest worldwide collection of free accessible genealogy transcriptions and filmcopies.

Landesarchiv Greifswald reflects some 800 years of history concerning Mecklenburg and Voorpomerania.

NGV: Netherlands Genealogical Society, with ten very good reasons to subscribe to a full membership!.

NIMH: Netherlands Institute for Naval History: The past achievements of the Netherlands Sea Forces.

Pomeranian databank: Data from Church Books, Civil Registration records and business directories.

Roosendaal city: Church-books 1593-1811; civil registry 1811; deaths 1863-1938; railway personnel.

Achterhoek: Regional SE-Guelders Genealogy domain with Church-books and civil registries.

Stamboom Gids: De Dutch guide for family trees, genealogy, names and archives.

Tilburg city: Regional Archive Tilburg and surrounding communities.

WieWasWie: Genlias successor as THE Dutch genealogical website.

Zealand: Zealand Archive ISIS: Who wants to be a Zealander!

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