NATURE IN AND AROUND BREDA. Both Coby and I love nature, however differently. She knows the secret ways of plants and animals, where to find specimen; she collects them for further determination, notes minute details, knows most of their names and remembers every tiny aspect. I try to learn their ways and show their essence in a photograph. When we set off together our forces combine infallibly. An impression of what can happen then is offered in the selection below ...
(home = Clik their blue printed names for a screensize picture.

female argiope bruennichi and cocoon the story of the ladybird eggs drosera intermedia bombus terrestris celastrina argiolus

badhamia utricularis helvella lacunosa helvella crispa cyathus striatus lepista flaccida xylaria polymorpha cladonia macilenta

ascocoryne sarcoides frictillaria meleagris osmunda regalis papaver rhoeas rye sheaves prunus spinosa

Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Ulvenhout forest Mark valley Bouvigne Ginneken

snowdrops cows and geese on Mark giant polypores wintersun